Converting Portfolio 3.0 and 4.0 Catalogs

To access the rich new features added to Portfolio 5.0, catalogs created in Portfolio 3.0 and 4.0 must be converted to version 5 catalogs. Portfolio 5.0 can open version 3.0 and 4.0 catalogs without conversion, in a limited browsing mode.

Opening a version 3.0 or 4.0 catalog with Portfolio version 5.0 in Administrator mode allows the catalog to be converted.

To convert a Portfolio 3.0 Catalog:

  1. Set the default access mode (Edit > Preferences) to “Administrator.”

    This will automatically open the catalog in Administrator mode. If the catalog requires a password for Administrator level access, you will be prompted to provide it. If you open the catalog in any other mode, the catalog will automatically be opened in a limited browsing mode.

    Windows only: If you have just one catalog to convert, you can select Administrator mode from the Open dialog. This opens the current catalog in Administrator mode without changing the default access mode setting.

  2. Open the catalog to be updated.

    You will be asked to confirm the conversion.

  3. Click “OK.”

    The catalog is converted and all options (Catalog options, saved Galleries, etc., are preserved.)

    Choose “Cancel” to open the catalog in limited browsing mode, leaving it set as a version 3.0 or 4.0 catalog.

Note: Custom Fields are not indexed when converting Portfolio version 3.x or 4.x catalogs to Portfolio 5.0.


To open a Portfolio 3.0 or 4.0 Catalog without converting it:

— or —

The catalog will be automatically be opened in a limited browsing mode.

When the catalog is closed it will still be a Portfolio version 4.0 (or 3.0) catalog.


Note: To convert a Fetch 1.2 or 1.5 catalog to Portfolio 5.0, contact Extensis Technical Support.